Budget Title: Assistant Professor
Local Title: Assistant Professor of Graphic Design/Dynamic Media
Posting Date: September 8, 2008
Salary Level: TBD
Duties: The Art Department at SUNY New Paltz seeks a Graphic Designer to teach in one of the two following areas: 1. A Graphic Designer to teach in the area of Dynamic Media. We seek candidates who teach scripting/programming in an intellectual context, and who position design as a collaborative practice between designer and audience. 2. An Artist/Designer to develop a curriculum in material studies through digital practice for the Art Department, and to provide leadership in the development of an integrated, digital and material studies curriculum.
Full-time tenure track (10 month) position, typical teaching load of 3 courses per semester (with the potential for course release for coordinator duties), as well as advising, departmental and university committee service, active scholarship, committed teaching, and service on standing department and college committees is expected and required for tenure. The Art Department Chair is a position that is filled by tenured faculty through a three-year rotation; candidates must be willing to accept the possibility of these responsibilities in the future.
Qualification: 1. For
the Graphic Designer in the Dynamic Media area: and MFA or equivalent in graphic or communication design. Ability to teach interaction, inter-face, and motion design on a Macintosh platform. Professional design experience and college-level teaching preferred. Applicants should be conversant with design history, theory, and criticism. Portfolio should demonstrate expertise in typography, visual systems, concepts development, and design problem-solving for dynamic/screen-based media. 2. For the Artist/Designer: an MFA or equivalent. Ability to teach the application of rapid prototyping and 3D modeling both technologically and theoretically across the range of disciplines offered by the Art Department. Professional experience and college-level teaching preferred. Portfolio should demonstrate innovative application of digital practices in the context of studio art and design.

Contact Information: The Art Department confers the BS, BFA, and MFA degrees and is comprised of seven professional disciplines: Ceramics, Graphic Design, Metal, Photography, Painting and Drawing, Printmaking and Sculpture, as well as Foundation and Art Education programs. The Department is part of the School of Fine and Performing Arts, which also includes Art History, Music, and Theatre Arts. The Graphic Design Program is mid-sized and growing, with well-equipped and maintained computer labs, seminar and workrooms, and a letterpress/bookbinding facility. SUNY New Paltz enjoys a reputation as a highly selective mid-sized public institution with a broad liberal art curriculum. THe University is located in the scenic Hudson River Valley, within easy commuting range of NYC.
Deadline: The search will remain open until the position is filled.
Other important information about this vacancy: Applications should include cover letter, resume, statement of teaching philosophy, examples of scholarly and artistic work, examples of student work, transcript showing highest degree earned, and name, address and phone numbers of 3 references.
Submit materials to: Graphic Design Search Committee
Search # F 08-12
Art Department
SUNY New Paltz
1 Hawk Drive
New Paltz, NY 12561
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