Thursday, April 24, 2008

Anthropologie Display Coordinator and Internship

I am the visual manager at Anthropologie here in Columbus. We recently had 2 positions that opened at the store in Easton Town Center. One position is for the display coordinator position and the other is for an internship.

The Display Coordinator is a full time position (40 hours) that is responsible for the beautiful displays in the store. The position requires knowledge of creating three-dimensional art, construction, power tools, installation, and design principles. The Display Coordinator is required to generate the ideas for a display, create it, and install it within the store. They work very closely with the visual manager to ensure the company standard and aesthetic is present with every project.

The internship is offered to an art student for class credit. They will be able to learn all of the aspects of the business. They will work with the visual team and be able to work on the floor with the customers.

I hope that you can help me get this information to your students. If there is any other information that I can give you just let me know. I can be reached at the store Monday thru Friday between the hours of 7:00 am and 4:00 pm. My name is Maureen Force and the store phone number is 614-475-4303.

Thank you,
Maureen Force

1 comment:

Chelsea Bryan Knights said...

I love Anthropologie's visual displays; they're so creative. I often look to Anthro for inspiration when I create my own window displays, which I've been posting on my fashion/art blog.

-Chelsea Knights