Friday, March 14, 2008

Art display at the Blues Restaurant

I'm the manager at Blues Restaurant, located on High Street directly across from the Ohio Union (hole in the ground). We are really looking for ways to enhance the front of our property. We have two large windows that face High and we are hoping to find some local artists who might be interested in displaying their artwork in these windows for all to see. We are looking for students who could submit a sketch of what "The Blues" means to them since this would go along with the theme of our restaurant. We would then choose a couple winners who could recreate their work on a 4' by 4' or 4' by 8' surface. It would be a great way for an artist to expose their work to a lot of people and it would really make an attention grabber for the front of our store.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions of how we can pull this off. If you would like to stop by the restaurant, I'd be happy to buy you lunch and we could talk about it.


Jim Paluch
Blues BBQ
1778 N. High
Columbus, Ohio 43201
Ph. (614)340-7088 Fx. (614)340-7089
Cell (440)796-8270

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