Rijksakademie Call for Entries
Deadline for application: 1 February 2009
Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten
Sarphatistraat 470
The Netherlands
The Rijksakademie Residency in Amsterdam is an international research and production place for emerging, professional artists from all continents. The Rijksakademie is more than a residency. It has extensive technical facilities, a library and an art collection. In addition, the Rijksakademie offers basic facilities such as a studio, assistance by technical specialists, a work budget, and mediation with accommodation and grants.
There are some fifty studios where resident artists work for one to two years on research, experiments, projects and production. Confrontation with diverse cultures and advice by internationally active artists, curators and others, promote the deepening, expansion and acceleration of artistic practice.
A period at the Rijksakademie has the greatest effect on an artists' career, three to five years of professional experience before applying.
Resident artists pursue every medium and technique: painting, drawing, graphics, photography, sculpture, video, film, sound and digital media. Artists can also explore links with other areas, such as architecture, theatre, music, literature and science.
Each year approximately twenty-five artists are invited for a residency. Artists can apply for a residency from January to December 2010 by using the online application form. The deadline for application is 1 February 2009.
Information: http://www.rijksakademie.nl
Friday, December 19, 2008
Call For Entries: “Passing the Torch” Celebrating Black History Month
“Passing the Torch”
Celebrating Black History Month
Exhibit at the James A. Rhodes State Office Tower
Sponsored by the Ohio Building Authority
January 26 to February 28, 2009
How to Apply
• Read this document in its entirety.
• Submit digital images of up to (3) entries (jpeg or tiff formats).
• One detail shot per entry is required and allowed.
• Provide artist’s name, and title, medium and dimensions of each submission.
• Submit digital images by e-mail by 5:00 pm on January 19, 2009
• Because this is an exhibit is to celebrate Black History Month and the fact that it is located in a State Office Building and the possibility that families and school groups will view the exhibit, art should be appropriate for this venue.
• The exhibit review panel reserves the right to refuse to display any accepted work for any reason.
• 2-D art work will need to have wires for hanging. Artists submitting 3-D art such as sculptures will need to designate the amount of space required for their art and provide pedestals if necessary. The Ohio Building Authority will provide enclosed cases for 3-D art.
• All entries must be original works created by the artist or original works from collectors.
• The exhibit review panel will bar all works altered from the submitted digital images.
• Reasonable care will be exercised by the exhibit coordinators and its agents and the Ohio Building Authority, but the exhibit coordinators or its agents and the Ohio Building Authority are not liable for loss or damage of work either in its care or during transport. Insurance is the responsibility of the individual artists or individual collectors.
• Submission of an entry through emailing a jpeg or tiff of the art shall constitute agreement on the part of the artist or collectors to all conditions set forth in this prospectus.
Delivery and Pick Up of Art
All artwork approved by the exhibit review panel for the Celebrating Black History month exhibit must be delivered on January 22 and January 23, 2009 between the hours of 2:30 pm and 5:30 pm to the James A Rhodes State Office Tower loading dock. The loading dock is located in the alley behind the James A Rhodes State Office Tower at 30 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. Upon delivering artwork, each artist will be required to sign a form restating the above requirements. Artists must pick up their art after the exhibit has ended on March 2 at the loading dock between the hours of 2:30 pm and 5:30 pm. If someone else will be dropping off or picking up your art, please notify the exhibit coordinators in advance.
Questions: email: artforthedream@earthlink.net or call Jim Siemer (Exhibit contact person) at 614-313-6200
Celebrating Black History Month
Exhibit at the James A. Rhodes State Office Tower
Sponsored by the Ohio Building Authority
January 26 to February 28, 2009
How to Apply
• Read this document in its entirety.
• Submit digital images of up to (3) entries (jpeg or tiff formats).
• One detail shot per entry is required and allowed.
• Provide artist’s name, and title, medium and dimensions of each submission.
• Submit digital images by e-mail by 5:00 pm on January 19, 2009
• Because this is an exhibit is to celebrate Black History Month and the fact that it is located in a State Office Building and the possibility that families and school groups will view the exhibit, art should be appropriate for this venue.
• The exhibit review panel reserves the right to refuse to display any accepted work for any reason.
• 2-D art work will need to have wires for hanging. Artists submitting 3-D art such as sculptures will need to designate the amount of space required for their art and provide pedestals if necessary. The Ohio Building Authority will provide enclosed cases for 3-D art.
• All entries must be original works created by the artist or original works from collectors.
• The exhibit review panel will bar all works altered from the submitted digital images.
• Reasonable care will be exercised by the exhibit coordinators and its agents and the Ohio Building Authority, but the exhibit coordinators or its agents and the Ohio Building Authority are not liable for loss or damage of work either in its care or during transport. Insurance is the responsibility of the individual artists or individual collectors.
• Submission of an entry through emailing a jpeg or tiff of the art shall constitute agreement on the part of the artist or collectors to all conditions set forth in this prospectus.
Delivery and Pick Up of Art
All artwork approved by the exhibit review panel for the Celebrating Black History month exhibit must be delivered on January 22 and January 23, 2009 between the hours of 2:30 pm and 5:30 pm to the James A Rhodes State Office Tower loading dock. The loading dock is located in the alley behind the James A Rhodes State Office Tower at 30 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. Upon delivering artwork, each artist will be required to sign a form restating the above requirements. Artists must pick up their art after the exhibit has ended on March 2 at the loading dock between the hours of 2:30 pm and 5:30 pm. If someone else will be dropping off or picking up your art, please notify the exhibit coordinators in advance.
Questions: email: artforthedream@earthlink.net or call Jim Siemer (Exhibit contact person) at 614-313-6200
Monday, December 15, 2008
Call for Entry: Handmade Paper and Artist Books
The Ice House presents:
April 3-27, 2009
All the information you need can be found at this website: http://members.toast.net/rpingevans/
Please include a SASE for return of photos, slides, or electronic media.
Artists may include other related items for sale such as their own original:
Handmade paper (2-D, 3-D), handmade cards, handmade blank books, etc.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please include photos of these items as well.
April 3-27, 2009
All the information you need can be found at this website: http://members.toast.net/rpingevans/
Please include a SASE for return of photos, slides, or electronic media.
Artists may include other related items for sale such as their own original:
Handmade paper (2-D, 3-D), handmade cards, handmade blank books, etc.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please include photos of these items as well.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Welders Needed
The Bureau for Open Culture at the Columbus College of Art and Design is currently looking for experienced welders to assist in the construction of an installation by Christian Tomaszewski for the exhibition “Of Other Spaces.”
The work will take place and must be completed during the month of January. Compensation will be provided.
For more details on the project, contact Diana Matuszak, exhibitions manager at dmatuszak@ccad.edu.
The work will take place and must be completed during the month of January. Compensation will be provided.
For more details on the project, contact Diana Matuszak, exhibitions manager at dmatuszak@ccad.edu.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Assistant Professor of Art in Fibers Position
The Department of Art at Skidmore College invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Art in Fibers position beginning fall 2009. Please post for all interested candidates.
Skidmore College. Assistant Professor. Fibers. Tenure-track. MFA or equivalent required. Candidates should have exceptional credentials as an artist and teacher, with a distinguished exhibition record, and a strong commitment to teaching in the fibers area. Must have a broad knowledge of contemporary and traditional fibers processes with primary work in either two-dimensional or three-dimensional fibers applications. Interdisciplinary connections between fiber arts and installation, new genre, material culture and traditional arts disciplines is a plus. Within the context of a five-course teaching load, this position also includes the coverage of an Interdisciplinary Seminar (topic open) for first-year students and the potential for teaching an Art Theory course. Responsible for supervising and maintaining a well equipped fiber art studio. The Department of Art is a large department of 16 full-time faculty in a liberal arts college having NASAD accreditation and offers courses in 10 studio disciplines. Skidmore College is a liberal arts institution of approximately 2,200 students and 200 full-time faculty, located in upstate New York. The review process begins December 1, 2008. The deadline for submissions is February 15. The college offers support for faculty development in many ways including junior sabbaticals and internal grants. Skidmore College seeks to attract an academically and culturally diverse faculty, welcoming applications from women and men of diverse backgrounds.
Send letter of application, resume, 20 examples of your own work and 20 examples of student work, list of 3 references with addresses and telephone numbers, statement of teaching philosophy and SASE to: Kate Leavitt, Chair, Department of Art, Skidmore College, 815 North Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866-1632. Review of applications will begin January 5, 2008.
Skidmore College. Assistant Professor. Fibers. Tenure-track. MFA or equivalent required. Candidates should have exceptional credentials as an artist and teacher, with a distinguished exhibition record, and a strong commitment to teaching in the fibers area. Must have a broad knowledge of contemporary and traditional fibers processes with primary work in either two-dimensional or three-dimensional fibers applications. Interdisciplinary connections between fiber arts and installation, new genre, material culture and traditional arts disciplines is a plus. Within the context of a five-course teaching load, this position also includes the coverage of an Interdisciplinary Seminar (topic open) for first-year students and the potential for teaching an Art Theory course. Responsible for supervising and maintaining a well equipped fiber art studio. The Department of Art is a large department of 16 full-time faculty in a liberal arts college having NASAD accreditation and offers courses in 10 studio disciplines. Skidmore College is a liberal arts institution of approximately 2,200 students and 200 full-time faculty, located in upstate New York. The review process begins December 1, 2008. The deadline for submissions is February 15. The college offers support for faculty development in many ways including junior sabbaticals and internal grants. Skidmore College seeks to attract an academically and culturally diverse faculty, welcoming applications from women and men of diverse backgrounds.
Send letter of application, resume, 20 examples of your own work and 20 examples of student work, list of 3 references with addresses and telephone numbers, statement of teaching philosophy and SASE to: Kate Leavitt, Chair, Department of Art, Skidmore College, 815 North Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866-1632. Review of applications will begin January 5, 2008.
Call for Entries: Ohio Art League Exhibition at OSU Urban Arts Space
The Ohio Art League 98th Annual Spring Juried Exhibition
From January 27 to March 27, 2009, the OSU Urban Arts Space hosts this significant exhibition. Now through December 12, 2008, The Ohio Art League is accepting applications for the exhibit. Visit their website to read through the guidelines and find out how to apply. www.oal.org
For more information, call OAL directly at 614.299.8225.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The Sculpture Center has announced the Call for Artists for the 2010 Window to Sculpture Emerging Artist Series, the 19th year of this annual series. The W2S opportunity for 4-6 artists to have a one-person exhibition with full color brochure is open to Ohio sculptors and installation artists in the first 10 years of their careers. Full information can be found on The Sculpture Center’s website (www.sculpturecenter.org, click on CALL 4 ARTISTS at the bottom of the home page). The call closes on January 19, 2009.
Ann Albano
Executive Director
The Sculpture Center
1834 E. 123rd St.
Cleveland, OH 44106
216.229.6527 (w)
216.229.8044 (f)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
OSU Urban Arts Space: Idea Lab Program Proposals
The OSU Urban Arts Space has just launched an exciting new program called the Idea Lab, an incubator for student ideas. Any Ohio State University student from any discipline can submit a concept or "seed" idea during our open application period - now through February 2, 2009 - for the opportunity to earn up to $3500 in project funding made possible by a generous grant from the Efroymson Family Fund, a CICF Fund. Once proposals are accepted, the students will work with the Idea Lab's creative staff of graduate and undergraduate students to flesh out the project, product, or event and turn it into a reality. The Idea Lab requests that a faculty member sponsor each accepted student and their project to provide additional mentoring throughout the process.
The type of supports available through the Idea Lab will vary according to the proposal at hand but will potentially include marketing and advertising assistance, budgeting help, time management advice, brainstorming development, technical and aesthetic expertise, collaboration experience, problem solving strategies and audience development techniques. Students who participate in the Idea Lab program will have an innovative educational opportunity, as well as, a practical entrepreneurial experience. By helping students to navigate the entire creative process from formulation, to implementation, to evaluation, the OSU Urban Arts Space Idea Lab will help generate Ohio State graduates capable of creative problem solving and idea development.
If you have questions, desire more information or would like an application, please email the Idea Lab at UASIdeaLab@osu.edu or call 614.292.8861
Request for proposals opens: December 1, 2008
Proposal deadline: February 2, 2009
Award(s) announced: February 9, 2009
Projects conducted: February 9 through June 1, 2009
Reception at the OSU Urban Arts Space for projects: Late spring quarter
We look forward to your ideas!
Call for Submissions
Perfect 8 magazine is currently seeking submissions for art or writing that engages in a dialogue about visual culture and its impact on society and our culture's psychology. Works that deal with this subject matter or comment on, expose, and/or offer a constructive alternative to objectified/glamorized imagery will be reviewed for publication. In addition, Perfect 8 is seeking mock magazine covers, advertisements, and centerfolds relating to the above theme.
Please view artworks and read the mission statement found at www.PerfectEight.com before submitting work. If your work clearly relates to the mission, please forward writing and/or jpegs (no larger than 72dpi 500 x 500 pixels) to info@PerfectEight.com no later than December 22th. Artists accepted for publication will be notified by the end of January 2009.
Apply for Space in New York City
APPLY FOR SWING SPACE: lmcc.net/swingspace/apply
You need space.
We've got it.
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council's Swing Space program is the link between downtown's unused real estate and the performing and visual artists who need that space to develop, create and present their work.
In partnership with downtown landlords, we make vacant space availableto artists, curators, arts groups and cultural organizations on a temporary basis for projects. Swing Space artists and arts groups are also eligible to apply for stipends ranging from $300 to $3,000 to support project costs. The spaces we offer have included rehearsal space for dance and theater companies, studio space for visual artists, and unconventional performance and exhibition space for public projects.
Proposals are accepted through an open call and reviewed by an independent panel of artists and arts professionals. We received hundreds of applications in response to our last open call, and were able to place nearly 40 projects in rent-free spaces.
Attached to this e-mail is a Swing Space opportunity listing with more information on the program for posting and general distribution. Complete information about Swing Space, including application guidelines and details about upcoming information sessions, can be found on our website. The online application will be available December 10, 2008, and the deadline is January 21, 2009.
Attending an information session is highly recommended.RSVP IS REQUIRED:
Thursday, November 20, 4pm at 100 Church Street
Wednesday, December 10, 7pm at 14 Wall Street
Thursday, January 8, 4pm at 14 Wall Street
Please visit our website to learn more. Know other artists? Pass this on!
You need space.
We've got it.
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council's Swing Space program is the link between downtown's unused real estate and the performing and visual artists who need that space to develop, create and present their work.
In partnership with downtown landlords, we make vacant space availableto artists, curators, arts groups and cultural organizations on a temporary basis for projects. Swing Space artists and arts groups are also eligible to apply for stipends ranging from $300 to $3,000 to support project costs. The spaces we offer have included rehearsal space for dance and theater companies, studio space for visual artists, and unconventional performance and exhibition space for public projects.
Proposals are accepted through an open call and reviewed by an independent panel of artists and arts professionals. We received hundreds of applications in response to our last open call, and were able to place nearly 40 projects in rent-free spaces.
Attached to this e-mail is a Swing Space opportunity listing with more information on the program for posting and general distribution. Complete information about Swing Space, including application guidelines and details about upcoming information sessions, can be found on our website. The online application will be available December 10, 2008, and the deadline is January 21, 2009.
Attending an information session is highly recommended.RSVP IS REQUIRED:
Thursday, November 20, 4pm at 100 Church Street
Wednesday, December 10, 7pm at 14 Wall Street
Thursday, January 8, 4pm at 14 Wall Street
Please visit our website to learn more. Know other artists? Pass this on!
Videography Intern Position
Position: Videography Intern- PT/TEMP
Battelle is an international science and technology enterprise that explores emerging areas of science, develops and commercializes technology, and manages laboratories for customers. Battelle supports community and education programs to promote an enhanced quality of life for our community neighbors. We’re committed to making the world a better place through our work with government, industry and community in the key areas of: Energy, Health & Life Sciences, National Security, Laboratory Management, and Education. We are currently seeking a Videographer Intern to work at our King Avenue headquarters.
The selected individual will be required to work a minimum of 15 hours per week. Work will be conducted between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. weekdays, but may be determined based upon scheduling needs of selected individuals. Position will begin January 5, 2009 and run though March 13, 2009.
This will be a project-based internship. The videography intern will document and produce an informational video for Battelle. This position will require video production skills including, but not limited to: directing, producing, graphic design, editing, and taping.
Required Qualifications:
•Currently enrolled in College/University, pursuing Bachelor's degree in cinematography, videography, media, photography, or a related field.
•Minimum of junior class standing
•Demonstrated experience with video production from the pre-production process (planning, lighting, setup), shoot (directing, sound-checks, etc), and post-production (editing, graphics, etc)
•Working knowledge of video cameras and editing equipment
•Proficiency with MS Outlook, Word, and Excel.
•Ability to work independently, set priorities and meet deadlines.
Battelle is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer.
To apply for this internship, please go to www.battelle.org/careers and apply for the position on our website, using requisition #16368.
Battelle is an international science and technology enterprise that explores emerging areas of science, develops and commercializes technology, and manages laboratories for customers. Battelle supports community and education programs to promote an enhanced quality of life for our community neighbors. We’re committed to making the world a better place through our work with government, industry and community in the key areas of: Energy, Health & Life Sciences, National Security, Laboratory Management, and Education. We are currently seeking a Videographer Intern to work at our King Avenue headquarters.
The selected individual will be required to work a minimum of 15 hours per week. Work will be conducted between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. weekdays, but may be determined based upon scheduling needs of selected individuals. Position will begin January 5, 2009 and run though March 13, 2009.
This will be a project-based internship. The videography intern will document and produce an informational video for Battelle. This position will require video production skills including, but not limited to: directing, producing, graphic design, editing, and taping.
Required Qualifications:
•Currently enrolled in College/University, pursuing Bachelor's degree in cinematography, videography, media, photography, or a related field.
•Minimum of junior class standing
•Demonstrated experience with video production from the pre-production process (planning, lighting, setup), shoot (directing, sound-checks, etc), and post-production (editing, graphics, etc)
•Working knowledge of video cameras and editing equipment
•Proficiency with MS Outlook, Word, and Excel.
•Ability to work independently, set priorities and meet deadlines.
Battelle is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer.
To apply for this internship, please go to www.battelle.org/careers and apply for the position on our website, using requisition #16368.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Entries Are Now Being Accepted Online for 2009 Factor Prize
Category: Awards, Grants, Fellowships
Posted by: Gibbes Museum of Art
Deadline: 01/30/09
The Factor Prize, given annually with a cash prize of $10,000, acknowledges an artist whose work contributes to a new understanding of the South. Unlike any other award of its type, the Factor Prize is designed to create an online archive of information about Southern artists that can be used by curators, collectors, academicians, and the public. The prize goes to an artist whose work demonstrates the highest level of artistic achievement in any media. The prize may be awarded to an artist who has already produced a body of significant work or whose work shows considerable promise. Eligible artists are those who reside, work or are from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, or Virginia. All artists who entered on the Factor Prize website in 2008 (except finalists) are automatically registered for the 2009 award. New nominations are now being accepted through January 30, 2009 at www.factorprize.org.
Posted on 10/23/08
Expires on 01/30/09 at midnight
Posted by: Gibbes Museum of Art
Deadline: 01/30/09
The Factor Prize, given annually with a cash prize of $10,000, acknowledges an artist whose work contributes to a new understanding of the South. Unlike any other award of its type, the Factor Prize is designed to create an online archive of information about Southern artists that can be used by curators, collectors, academicians, and the public. The prize goes to an artist whose work demonstrates the highest level of artistic achievement in any media. The prize may be awarded to an artist who has already produced a body of significant work or whose work shows considerable promise. Eligible artists are those who reside, work or are from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, or Virginia. All artists who entered on the Factor Prize website in 2008 (except finalists) are automatically registered for the 2009 award. New nominations are now being accepted through January 30, 2009 at www.factorprize.org.
Posted on 10/23/08
Expires on 01/30/09 at midnight
Monday, November 10, 2008
Art Students! Alternative Spring Break Applications Available!
20+ Trips in all but one specifically that we thought might catch your eye!
The Steel Yard (http://www.thesteelyard.org ) Providence, RI: The Steel Yard is located at the historic Providence Steel and Iron site, along the Woonasquatucket River in the heart of Providence's industrial Valley neighborhood. With a 5612 square foot industrial shop featuring a foundry, ceramics studio, blacksmithing shop, and welding shop, as well as studio space and outdoor work and exhibition space, the Steel Yard is a multi-use venue. The Steel Yard's program areas, focusing on arts education, the incubation of new business and arts initiatives, and the establishment of a lasting community arts resource, cater to working artists, students and community members, trades people, arts educators and entrepreneurs. Alternative Spring Break participants will get to experience this unique organization for the whole week, intimately working with the Steel Yard's staff on a variety of projects, while also exploring the exciting cultural life beautiful Providence has to offer.
To apply and to see where else we're heading this year visit the following website: http://www.ohiounion.osu.edu/activityfee/asb.asp
Leader Applications due Monday, November 17 at 5:00pm
Participant Applications due Friday, November 21 at 5:00pm
Questions? Email Rosie Holmes.443@osu.edu
Roseann Holmes
Graduate Administrative Associate
Ohio Union (at Ohio Stadium)
1961 Tuttle Park Place
Columbus, OH 43210
Email: holmes.443@osu.edu
Phone: 614-247-8763
The Steel Yard (http://www.thesteelyard.org
To apply and to see where else we're heading this year visit the following website: http://www.ohiounion.osu.edu/activityfee/asb.asp
Leader Applications due Monday, November 17 at 5:00pm
Participant Applications due Friday, November 21 at 5:00pm
Questions? Email Rosie Holmes.443@osu.edu
Roseann Holmes
Graduate Administrative Associate
Ohio Union (at Ohio Stadium)
1961 Tuttle Park Place
Columbus, OH 43210
Email: holmes.443@osu.edu
Phone: 614-247-8763
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Exhibit your Artwork in the National Collegiate Gallery!

Ugallery.com is a curated online art gallery for emerging artists. We represent current BFA and MFA students as well as recent graduates from all over the United States.
In addition to our online presence, we showcase artists' work at the leading emerging art fairs. This year, we exhibited at Art Now Fair New York City as part of the Armory Show weekend and the Affordable Art Fair New York City.
Present your work to art enthusiasts around the country and promote yourself. Ugallery.com pays for and arranges the packaging and shipping of your artwork once it is sold. Best of all, it is free to sign up and display your art.
Visit www.Ugallery.com today and click on the "APPLY HERE" link to sign up. If you have any questions, email Alex at alex@ugallery.com or call toll free (888) 402-1722.
Opportunity to Exhibit Hanging Art Installation at OSU School of Music
The OSU School of Music in Weigel Hall has a large interior space above their front doors for some type of hanging art installation. We are open to mobiles, hanging art, etc. It would be nice to have something that is appropriate to a music venue.
Please contact Paul Paul Lockwood at 247-7036 or lockwood.38@osu.edu
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Mural Painting

We are looking for a volunteer to paint on our baptistery's walls. We would like a realistic painting of a waterfall, as if the waters were falling from the heavens, with a dove descending. We have a picture attached of a waterfall that seems to fit the description, but it is too dark and there is no dove in this picture.
The baptistery has 3 walls: 5' w x 12' h; 7' w x 12' h; 5' w x 3'h
The artist is welcomed to submit his/her ideas based on our description, the picture we're providing is only to help aid the description of what we would like. The artist is also welcomed to read Matthew 3:13-17 and capture the scene of that scripture to be included in the drawing, although we do not want any pictures of people or any pictures representing what anyone thinks Jesus looks like.
We do not have the available funds to pay an artist's salary, but are willing to provide an offering along with the promise that the artist's name and information (should the artist choose) will be announced on our website for as long as we choose to keep the painting as a part of our baptistery. We would also provide a receipt for the proposed value of the art work to be included in the artist's tax returns as a tax-deductible charitable donation.
We can be reached at 614-337-2855, 614-580-0799, or 614-562-271.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The Department of Visual Arts at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette is seeking 3 faculty in foundations
POSITION: Instructor of Visual Arts
LOCATION: Department of Visual Arts, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
RANK AND SALARY: Instructor, full-time, 9-month, beginning August of 2009. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience.
QUALIFICATIONS: M.F.A. in studio art required with an active exhibition record with teaching experience beyond graduate school preferred. The candidate should demonstrate ability to teach courses within a visual arts foundation core, and have working knowledge of Photoshop.
RESPONSIBILITIES: The successful candidate will teach courses within the Department’s foundation core; demonstrate a commitment to teaching excellence in a student-centered learning environment; engage in creative research and professional development; participate in departmental programs and activities, including academic advising; and fulfill the service expectations of the Department, College and University.
DEPARTMENT: The Department of Visual Arts is NASAD accredited. It is located within the College of the Arts. It has 18 full-time faculty and 6 part-time faculty instructing more than 470 majors in 9 concentration areas within an integrated curriculum leading to a B.F.A. degree. The Department additionally teaches those students receiving the B.A. in Art Education located in the College of Education.
The Department and faculty maintain an active collaboration with the art and design communities and the University Art Museum. The College of the Arts consists of the Department of Visual Arts, Department of Performing Arts, School of Architecture and Design, and the School of Music. The College has an enrollment of more than 1100 students with a faculty of 74.
INSTITUTION: The University of Louisiana at Lafayette is a Carnegie Research University with high research activity. It is one of eight publicly supported universities in the University of Louisiana System. Our University consists of nine degree-granting colleges including the Graduate School. The University's enrollment is now 16,300, and the size of the continuing faculty is 593. UL Lafayette offers 80 undergraduate degrees, 29 master's degrees, and 9 doctorates.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Qualified applicants should forward CV, letter of application, 4 letters of reference with addresses and phone numbers; official transcript; slides; CD of professional work and student work if available; statement of teaching philosophy; artist statement and a SASE for return of materials. Applications will be reviewed beginning Jan. 15th 2009 and will continue until position is filled. Applications should be sent to: Brian Kelly, Head, Department of Visual Arts, P.O. Box 43850, Lafayette, LA 70504.
POSITION: Assistant or Associate Professor of Art
LOCATION: Department of Visual Arts, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
RANK AND SALARY: Full-time, 9-month, Tenure-Track, beginning August of 2009. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience.
QUALIFICATIONS: M.F.A. in studio art required with an active exhibition record with teaching experience beyond graduate school preferred. The candidate should demonstrate ability to teach courses within a visual arts foundation core, and have working knowledge of Photoshop.
RESPONSIBILITIES: The successful candidate will teach courses within the Department’s foundation core; Art Appreciation; demonstrate a commitment to teaching excellence in a student-centered learning environment; engage in creative research and professional development; and participate in departmental programs and activities, including academic advising and fulfill the service expectations of the Department, College and University.
DEPARTMENT: The Department of Visual Arts is NASAD accredited. It is located within the College of the Arts. It has 19 full-time faculty and 4 part-time faculty instructing more than 470 majors in 9 concentration areas within an integrated curriculum leading to a B.F.A. degree. The Department additionally teaches those students receiving the B.A. in Art Education located in the College of Education.
The Department and faculty maintain an active participation with the art and design communities and the University Art Museum. The College of the Arts consists of the Department of Visual Arts, Department of Performing Arts, School of Architecture and Design, and the School of Music. The College has an enrollment of more than 1100 students with a faculty of 74.
INSTITUTION: The University of Louisiana at Lafayette is a Carnegie Research University with high research activity. It is one of eight publicly supported universities in the University of Louisiana System. Our University consists of nine degree-granting colleges including the Graduate School. The University's enrollment is now 16,300, and the size of the continuing faculty is 593. UL Lafayette offers 80 undergraduate degrees, 29 master's degrees, and 9 doctorates.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Qualified applicants should forward CV, letter of application, 4 letters of reference with addresses and phone numbers; official transcript; slides; CD of professional work and student work if available; statement of teaching philosophy; artist statement and a SASE for return of materials. Applications will be reviewed beginning January 2nd, 2009 and will continue until position is filled. Applications should be sent to: Brian Kelly, Head, Department of Visual Arts, P.O. Box 43850, Lafayette, LA 70504.
LOCATION: Department of Visual Arts, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
RANK AND SALARY: Instructor, full-time, 9-month, beginning August of 2009. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience.
QUALIFICATIONS: M.F.A. in studio art required with an active exhibition record with teaching experience beyond graduate school preferred. The candidate should demonstrate ability to teach courses within a visual arts foundation core, and have working knowledge of Photoshop.
RESPONSIBILITIES: The successful candidate will teach courses within the Department’s foundation core; demonstrate a commitment to teaching excellence in a student-centered learning environment; engage in creative research and professional development; participate in departmental programs and activities, including academic advising; and fulfill the service expectations of the Department, College and University.
DEPARTMENT: The Department of Visual Arts is NASAD accredited. It is located within the College of the Arts. It has 18 full-time faculty and 6 part-time faculty instructing more than 470 majors in 9 concentration areas within an integrated curriculum leading to a B.F.A. degree. The Department additionally teaches those students receiving the B.A. in Art Education located in the College of Education.
The Department and faculty maintain an active collaboration with the art and design communities and the University Art Museum. The College of the Arts consists of the Department of Visual Arts, Department of Performing Arts, School of Architecture and Design, and the School of Music. The College has an enrollment of more than 1100 students with a faculty of 74.
INSTITUTION: The University of Louisiana at Lafayette is a Carnegie Research University with high research activity. It is one of eight publicly supported universities in the University of Louisiana System. Our University consists of nine degree-granting colleges including the Graduate School. The University's enrollment is now 16,300, and the size of the continuing faculty is 593. UL Lafayette offers 80 undergraduate degrees, 29 master's degrees, and 9 doctorates.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Qualified applicants should forward CV, letter of application, 4 letters of reference with addresses and phone numbers; official transcript; slides; CD of professional work and student work if available; statement of teaching philosophy; artist statement and a SASE for return of materials. Applications will be reviewed beginning Jan. 15th 2009 and will continue until position is filled. Applications should be sent to: Brian Kelly, Head, Department of Visual Arts, P.O. Box 43850, Lafayette, LA 70504.
POSITION: Assistant or Associate Professor of Art
LOCATION: Department of Visual Arts, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
RANK AND SALARY: Full-time, 9-month, Tenure-Track, beginning August of 2009. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience.
QUALIFICATIONS: M.F.A. in studio art required with an active exhibition record with teaching experience beyond graduate school preferred. The candidate should demonstrate ability to teach courses within a visual arts foundation core, and have working knowledge of Photoshop.
RESPONSIBILITIES: The successful candidate will teach courses within the Department’s foundation core; Art Appreciation; demonstrate a commitment to teaching excellence in a student-centered learning environment; engage in creative research and professional development; and participate in departmental programs and activities, including academic advising and fulfill the service expectations of the Department, College and University.
DEPARTMENT: The Department of Visual Arts is NASAD accredited. It is located within the College of the Arts. It has 19 full-time faculty and 4 part-time faculty instructing more than 470 majors in 9 concentration areas within an integrated curriculum leading to a B.F.A. degree. The Department additionally teaches those students receiving the B.A. in Art Education located in the College of Education.
The Department and faculty maintain an active participation with the art and design communities and the University Art Museum. The College of the Arts consists of the Department of Visual Arts, Department of Performing Arts, School of Architecture and Design, and the School of Music. The College has an enrollment of more than 1100 students with a faculty of 74.
INSTITUTION: The University of Louisiana at Lafayette is a Carnegie Research University with high research activity. It is one of eight publicly supported universities in the University of Louisiana System. Our University consists of nine degree-granting colleges including the Graduate School. The University's enrollment is now 16,300, and the size of the continuing faculty is 593. UL Lafayette offers 80 undergraduate degrees, 29 master's degrees, and 9 doctorates.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Qualified applicants should forward CV, letter of application, 4 letters of reference with addresses and phone numbers; official transcript; slides; CD of professional work and student work if available; statement of teaching philosophy; artist statement and a SASE for return of materials. Applications will be reviewed beginning January 2nd, 2009 and will continue until position is filled. Applications should be sent to: Brian Kelly, Head, Department of Visual Arts, P.O. Box 43850, Lafayette, LA 70504.

Free community event celebrating 30 years at the Cultural Arts Center. Reception Friday, November 14 from 5:30 - 9:00 p.m. Located at 139 West Main Street. More information available online at www.CulturalArtsCenterOnline.org.

Attention all Associate, Bachelor, and Masters Degree candidates with an interest in the visual arts, currently enrolled at a Midwest Regional public or private college or university. No matter what major, if you paint, illustrate, sculpt, design, draw, photograph, or just create art, you are eligible to enter the 2nd Annual Fine Art Finals Midwest Regional Scholarship Competition.
Media accepted include:
Drawing - graphite, colored pencil, pen and ink, marker, pastel, charcoal, etc.
Painting - oil, acrylic, watercolor, gouache, etc.
Printmaking - etching, lithography, screen-printing, etc.
Sculpture - clay, ceramic, plaster, marble, glass, wood, resin, porcelain, metal, etc.
Jewelry - gemstones, precious metals or other materials, etc.
Fibers - textiles, fabrics, yarn, natural & synthetic fibers, etc.
Photography - traditional & digital.
Digital Art - see www.fineARTfinals.com for details.
Graphic Design - traditional & digital, see www.fineARTfinals.com for details.
This scholarship competition is dedicated to the promotion of talented and gifted emerging artists at the collegiate level and awards their mastery of technique and excellence of artistic achievement. Finalists and Winners will be selected based on quality, originality, and the creativity of their work.
First Place: $1200
Second Place: $600
Third Place: $300
Two Honorable Mentions:
$50 each
Entry Deadline:
Postmarked by Friday, December 12, 2008
For Entry Forms and Entry Rules,
and other information, please visit our website at:
For Competition "Call for Entries" 11x17 (Tabloid Size) Posters, please download and print from website: www.fineARTfinals.com
To see the results from our previous competitions, including the First Annual Fine Art Finals Midwest Scholarship Competition of 2007, please see our website: www.fineARTfinals.com
Midwest Region includes the following States:
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri,
Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
Entry Deadline:
Postmarked by Friday, December 12, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Assistant/Associate Professor Positions at the University of Nebraska Lincoln
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Position Title: Assistant Professor, Painting, tenure track
Position Type: 9-month, tenure track
Description: Teaching: Teach undergraduate and graduate courses in painting and drawing, assist in supervising drawing program, mentor and advise students; Research: Develop/maintain national profile in painting and studio art; Service: Serve on faculty committees (Department, College, University) professional and community organizations, work in a collegial manner with faculty, staff, students, and administration.
Qualifications: M.F.A. degree in Art required, college-level teaching experience preferred. Candidates must demonstrate a broad knowledge of painting and drawing techniques; and be able to articulate contemporary and historical issues. Preference will be given to individuals with evidence of creative achievement and professional exhibition/publication record; and demonstrable college teaching effectiveness.
Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Department of Art & Art History: The Department is a professionally accredited comprehensive department of art, design and art history. A faculty of 5 art historians and 14 studio artists serves move than 280 undergraduate and graduate art students. Students may pursue the following degree options: Bachelor of Art, Bachelor of Fine Art, Master of Art in Art History, and Master of Fine Art. University web site: www.unl.edu
Department web site: www. unl.edu/art/
Application: Complete the Faculty/Administrative application at http://employment.unl.edu then submit a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, 20 images of recent work (on a CD in JPG or PDF or Power Point format) with annotated image lists, artist statement, teaching philosophy, sample syllabi (if available), evidence of teaching ability preferred (maximum 20 images), names and contacts of four references to Professor Aaron Holz, Department of Art & Art History, 120 Richards Hall, Lincoln, NE 68588
Review Date: January 28, 2009
The University of Nebraska has an active National Science Foundation ADVANCE gender equity program, and is committed to a pluralistic campus community through affirmative action, equal opportunity, work-life balance, and dual careers.
The University of Nebraska is committed to a pluralistic campus community through affirmative action, equal opportunity, work-life balance, and dual careers. We assure reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act; contact Ed Forde at (402) 472 5522 for assistance.
University of Nebraska Lincoln
Department of Art & Art History
Assistant/Associated Professor Digital Arts and Design (Emphasis in Interactivity) Multimedia Arts
Re: Ad posting for Assistant/Associate Professor, Search 080855
Assistant/Associated Professor Digital Arts and Design (Emphasis in Interactivity) Multimedia Arts. Tenure-track. Terminal degree or equivalent professional experience required. Ability to teach graduate and undergraduate courses in interactive media and animation. Candidates must be versed in emerging technologies, contemporary art, and experimental media as they influence current art and design. The successful candidate will be expected to demonstrate a commitment to interdisciplinary teaching, and to play an active role in the development and implementation of the College’s Interdisciplinary Digital Arts Initiative. The successful candidate will also be expected to mentor/supervise graduate and undergraduate projects and theses, and contribute to intra and interdisciplinary curriculum instruction and development. Preference will be given to individuals with evidence of creative achievement and professional exhibition/publication record and demonstrative teaching effectiveness. As a Research institution the university provides generous funding opportunities for faculty research and travel. Candidate will have resources to design and equip new labs.
The University of Nebraska has an active National Science Foundation ADVANCE gender equity program, and is committed to a pluralistic campus community through affirmative action, equal opportunity, work-life balance, and dual careers.
How to Apply: To be considered for this position go to http://employment.unl.edu, requisition #080855 and complete the Faculty/Academic Administrative form. Then submit via the mail a letter of application, curriculum vitae, maximum 20 images of recent work (on a CD in JPG or PDF or Power Point format) with annotated image lists or artist’s website, artist statement, teaching philosophy, same syllabi (if available), evidence of teaching ability (maximum 20 images) and names and contacts of four references to Dr. Robert Fought, Digital Arts Search Committee, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 102 Woods Art Building, Lincoln, NE 68588-0144.
Review of applications date: January 28, 2009
Position Title: Assistant Professor, Painting, tenure track
Position Type: 9-month, tenure track
Description: Teaching: Teach undergraduate and graduate courses in painting and drawing, assist in supervising drawing program, mentor and advise students; Research: Develop/maintain national profile in painting and studio art; Service: Serve on faculty committees (Department, College, University) professional and community organizations, work in a collegial manner with faculty, staff, students, and administration.
Qualifications: M.F.A. degree in Art required, college-level teaching experience preferred. Candidates must demonstrate a broad knowledge of painting and drawing techniques; and be able to articulate contemporary and historical issues. Preference will be given to individuals with evidence of creative achievement and professional exhibition/publication record; and demonstrable college teaching effectiveness.
Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Department of Art & Art History: The Department is a professionally accredited comprehensive department of art, design and art history. A faculty of 5 art historians and 14 studio artists serves move than 280 undergraduate and graduate art students. Students may pursue the following degree options: Bachelor of Art, Bachelor of Fine Art, Master of Art in Art History, and Master of Fine Art. University web site: www.unl.edu
Department web site: www. unl.edu/art/
Application: Complete the Faculty/Administrative application at http://employment.unl.edu then submit a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, 20 images of recent work (on a CD in JPG or PDF or Power Point format) with annotated image lists, artist statement, teaching philosophy, sample syllabi (if available), evidence of teaching ability preferred (maximum 20 images), names and contacts of four references to Professor Aaron Holz, Department of Art & Art History, 120 Richards Hall, Lincoln, NE 68588
Review Date: January 28, 2009
The University of Nebraska has an active National Science Foundation ADVANCE gender equity program, and is committed to a pluralistic campus community through affirmative action, equal opportunity, work-life balance, and dual careers.
The University of Nebraska is committed to a pluralistic campus community through affirmative action, equal opportunity, work-life balance, and dual careers. We assure reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act; contact Ed Forde at (402) 472 5522 for assistance.
University of Nebraska Lincoln
Department of Art & Art History
Assistant/Associated Professor Digital Arts and Design (Emphasis in Interactivity) Multimedia Arts
Re: Ad posting for Assistant/Associate Professor, Search 080855
Assistant/Associated Professor Digital Arts and Design (Emphasis in Interactivity) Multimedia Arts. Tenure-track. Terminal degree or equivalent professional experience required. Ability to teach graduate and undergraduate courses in interactive media and animation. Candidates must be versed in emerging technologies, contemporary art, and experimental media as they influence current art and design. The successful candidate will be expected to demonstrate a commitment to interdisciplinary teaching, and to play an active role in the development and implementation of the College’s Interdisciplinary Digital Arts Initiative. The successful candidate will also be expected to mentor/supervise graduate and undergraduate projects and theses, and contribute to intra and interdisciplinary curriculum instruction and development. Preference will be given to individuals with evidence of creative achievement and professional exhibition/publication record and demonstrative teaching effectiveness. As a Research institution the university provides generous funding opportunities for faculty research and travel. Candidate will have resources to design and equip new labs.
The University of Nebraska has an active National Science Foundation ADVANCE gender equity program, and is committed to a pluralistic campus community through affirmative action, equal opportunity, work-life balance, and dual careers.
How to Apply: To be considered for this position go to http://employment.unl.edu, requisition #080855 and complete the Faculty/Academic Administrative form. Then submit via the mail a letter of application, curriculum vitae, maximum 20 images of recent work (on a CD in JPG or PDF or Power Point format) with annotated image lists or artist’s website, artist statement, teaching philosophy, same syllabi (if available), evidence of teaching ability (maximum 20 images) and names and contacts of four references to Dr. Robert Fought, Digital Arts Search Committee, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 102 Woods Art Building, Lincoln, NE 68588-0144.
Review of applications date: January 28, 2009
Friday, October 31, 2008
Instructor in Ceramics and Three-Dimensional Studies
Position Information
Classification Title: Instructor in Ceramics and Three-Dimensional Studies
Working Title: Instructor
Position Number: 991383
Salary: $32,000.00 plus benefits
Work Days And Hours: n/a
FTE: 1.0
Job Posting Date: 10-17-2008
Job Close Date: 05-01-2009
Position Summary: The Department of Visual Arts & Art History at
Florida Atlantic University is accepting applications for the
full-time position of Instructor in Ceramics and Three-Dimensional
Minimum Qualifications: MFA in Ceramics from an accredited
institution by August of 2009. Prior teaching experience, evidence of
high quality creative expression and exhibitions record, and
demonstration of an interest in contemporary art and criticism, is
Position Description: Instruction at all levels of ceramics,
emphasizing hand building and ceramic sculpture, within the BA and BFA
degree programs as well as supporting the ceramic focus in the MFA
program in Visual Arts. Teach up to four courses per term primarily in
the area of ceramics but also may include sculpture and foundations,
such as three-dimensional design courses.
Must be capable of working in a wide range of aesthetic, conceptual
and technical aspects of ceramics suitable for a broadly based
teaching context. This includes safely operating, managing and
maintaining a teaching facility that includes electric, wood and gas
kilns and a comprehensive clay and glaze materials inventory. The
position requires knowledge of ceramic history and practice suitable
for teaching in a University context.
Additional responsibilities include assistance with studio management
and equipment maintenance; inventory and ordering of supplies; serve
on appropriate departmental committees; supervision of assigned
graduate assistants; coordinating the ceramic artist workshop/lecture
program; participating in mentorship of graduate students who teach in
the program; supporting student recruitment and advising for
undergraduate and graduate programs.
The first year appointment will commence August 10, 2009 and continue
through May 7, 2010. This with a full-time, non-tenure track position
with three to five year contract renewal. A private office/studio with
phone and internet access, as well as access to facilities/equipment,
and support for most materials will be provided. Preference will be
given to applicants who can contribute to a climate that values and
uses diversity in all its forms to enliven and make more inclusive the
mission of the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters.
In order to be considered for this position, you must apply online at
Application must include:
*letter of application
*curriculum vitae
*maximum of 20 high quality images of your work and 10-15 of your
students' work on CDROM-jpg format [Mac and PC readable] (power
point/slideshow format accepted)
*image checklist
*statement of teaching philosophy and practice
*syllabi for ceramics courses taught
*three letters of referees
*official MFA degree transcript
*one-page research/creative work statement
*SASE if you want materials returned
Send hard copy materials to: Carol Prusa, Chair of the Instructorship
in Ceramics/ Three-Dimensional Design Search, Department of Visual
Arts and Art History, Florida Atlantic University, AH 118, 777 Glades
Road, Boca Raton, FL 33431
Applications will be accepted up until January 15, 2009.
Review of applications will begin December 1, 2008. Priority will be
given to those applications. For further information, please contact
Carol Prusa at cprusa@fau.edu
FAU is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Institution. A background
check will be required for the candidate selected for this position.
All applicants must complete the Faculty, Administrative, Managerial &
Professional Position Application form available on-line through the
Office of Human Resources.
Position Type: Faculty
Minimum Qualification: Minimum Qualifications: MFA in Ceramics from
an accredited institution by August of 2009. Prior teaching
experience, evidence of high quality creative expression and
exhibitions record, and demonstration of an interest in contemporary
art and criticism, is desirable.
College/Department: Visual Arts and Art History
Campus: Boca Raton
Classification Title: Instructor in Ceramics and Three-Dimensional Studies
Working Title: Instructor
Position Number: 991383
Salary: $32,000.00 plus benefits
Work Days And Hours: n/a
FTE: 1.0
Job Posting Date: 10-17-2008
Job Close Date: 05-01-2009
Position Summary: The Department of Visual Arts & Art History at
Florida Atlantic University is accepting applications for the
full-time position of Instructor in Ceramics and Three-Dimensional
Minimum Qualifications: MFA in Ceramics from an accredited
institution by August of 2009. Prior teaching experience, evidence of
high quality creative expression and exhibitions record, and
demonstration of an interest in contemporary art and criticism, is
Position Description: Instruction at all levels of ceramics,
emphasizing hand building and ceramic sculpture, within the BA and BFA
degree programs as well as supporting the ceramic focus in the MFA
program in Visual Arts. Teach up to four courses per term primarily in
the area of ceramics but also may include sculpture and foundations,
such as three-dimensional design courses.
Must be capable of working in a wide range of aesthetic, conceptual
and technical aspects of ceramics suitable for a broadly based
teaching context. This includes safely operating, managing and
maintaining a teaching facility that includes electric, wood and gas
kilns and a comprehensive clay and glaze materials inventory. The
position requires knowledge of ceramic history and practice suitable
for teaching in a University context.
Additional responsibilities include assistance with studio management
and equipment maintenance; inventory and ordering of supplies; serve
on appropriate departmental committees; supervision of assigned
graduate assistants; coordinating the ceramic artist workshop/lecture
program; participating in mentorship of graduate students who teach in
the program; supporting student recruitment and advising for
undergraduate and graduate programs.
The first year appointment will commence August 10, 2009 and continue
through May 7, 2010. This with a full-time, non-tenure track position
with three to five year contract renewal. A private office/studio with
phone and internet access, as well as access to facilities/equipment,
and support for most materials will be provided. Preference will be
given to applicants who can contribute to a climate that values and
uses diversity in all its forms to enliven and make more inclusive the
mission of the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters.
In order to be considered for this position, you must apply online at
Application must include:
*letter of application
*curriculum vitae
*maximum of 20 high quality images of your work and 10-15 of your
students' work on CDROM-jpg format [Mac and PC readable] (power
point/slideshow format accepted)
*image checklist
*statement of teaching philosophy and practice
*syllabi for ceramics courses taught
*three letters of referees
*official MFA degree transcript
*one-page research/creative work statement
*SASE if you want materials returned
Send hard copy materials to: Carol Prusa, Chair of the Instructorship
in Ceramics/ Three-Dimensional Design Search, Department of Visual
Arts and Art History, Florida Atlantic University, AH 118, 777 Glades
Road, Boca Raton, FL 33431
Applications will be accepted up until January 15, 2009.
Review of applications will begin December 1, 2008. Priority will be
given to those applications. For further information, please contact
Carol Prusa at cprusa@fau.edu
FAU is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Institution. A background
check will be required for the candidate selected for this position.
All applicants must complete the Faculty, Administrative, Managerial &
Professional Position Application form available on-line through the
Office of Human Resources.
Position Type: Faculty
Minimum Qualification: Minimum Qualifications: MFA in Ceramics from
an accredited institution by August of 2009. Prior teaching
experience, evidence of high quality creative expression and
exhibitions record, and demonstration of an interest in contemporary
art and criticism, is desirable.
College/Department: Visual Arts and Art History
Campus: Boca Raton
Sewing Project
We are looking for someone interested in a sewing project; we are a manufacture of automotive creepers and mechanic seats. We are located at 309 Hayes St., Delaware, OH what we need is for someone to design and make a sample of a fabric sleeve to fit over one of our products. If interested please call Donna at 740-363-1179 ext. 228, Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.
Thank You,
Whiteside Mfg. Co., Inc.
Thank You,
Whiteside Mfg. Co., Inc.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Two Positions Available: Assistant Professor of Studio Art at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
School of Art and Design - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The School of Art and Design at the University of Illinois invites applications for two full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor positions in Studio Art, with an emphasis on drawing and painting. These positions will begin on August 15, 2009.
MFA or equivalent terminal degree is required, 1-3 years of teaching experience beyond graduate instruction required. Applicants should possess a demonstrated record of professional accomplishment, including the production and exhibition of artwork in painting or drawing media. Candidates should be familiar with historical and recent theory and technique pertaining to painting and drawing. Successful candidates will be adept at discussing work in paint or drawing media in relation to other fields, such as printmaking, design or digital media.
The candidate will contribute to an innovative curricular program in the School of Art and Design through teaching in Foundations and
Studio Art. The successful candidate will develop introductory
courses, seminars, and studio courses for undergraduate majors and graduate students. Candidates should demonstrate their ability and desire to support and contribute to the overall health of the Studio Arts Division, the School of Art and Design, and the University of Illinois through active research, curricular development, and faculty governance.
Submit a detailed letter of application, email address, artist's statement, teaching philosophy, CV, sample syllabi, postage-paid envelope for return of materials, and a portfolio of professional and student work in the following format:
Submit one Mac-compatible CD/DVD containing ONLY images in two separate folders labeled as "student work" and "professional work". Place up to 20 digital images in each folder, saved in jpeg format and named using the following convention: "lastname_sw_01.jpg" (for student work) and "lastname_pw_01.jpg" (for professional work). Images should be optimized for screen media (72dpi) and be no larger than 2MB each. Please also provide a corresponding printed image checklist consisting of titles, date, medium, description and small thumbnail for each work included in the portfolio.
Submit all materials to: Associate Professor Kevin Hamilton, Studio Search Committee, School of Art and Design, 408 E. Peabody Dr., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL 61820 USA. Please direct any inquiries to the address above, or to (217) 333-0855 (voice), (217) 244-7688 (fax), or kham@illinois.edu. To ensure full consideration, applications must be received by January 12, 2009. Representatives from the School of Art and Design will attend the College Art Association Annual Conference, February 25-28.
The Studio Arts at the School of Art and Design include research and instruction in a wide range of media and contexts. Students work toward a B.F.A. or M.F.A. degree in Painting, Sculpture, Crafts, Photography, or New Media. Curricula emphasize development of individual or collaborative projects in preparation for careers in diverse institutional settings. Graduates work in gallery exhibition, university research, education, public service, curatorial work, and performance.
Student and faculty work is supported by staffed labs for traditional and contemporary media, including maintained spaces for digital imaging, audiovisual editing, rapid prototyping, darkroom and digital printing. Bookbinding and printmaking facilities are also available, as are kilns for firing in clay media.
As part of the College of Fine and Applied Arts at Illinois, the School of Art and Design offers ready opportunity for collaborations with the Krannert Art Museum and Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, and with active departments of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Dance, Theater, and Music. Faculty scholarship and teaching is also supported on campus by such units as the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities, Center for Advanced Study, the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, and the Center for Democracy in a Multiracial Society. Through funding opportunities for research and travel, as well as occasional releases from teaching duties, these organizations contribute to a climate of rigorous production and inquiry.
As a Research I institution, the University of Illinois is strongly international, and recognized for excellence in the Sciences, Engineering, Humanities and the Arts. Supported by the nation's third largest research library and abundant technological resources, Illinois provides a rich environment for both disciplinary and interdisciplinary ventures. Champaign-Urbana is located in East Central Illinois, within short driving distance to Chicago, Indianapolis and St.Louis.
For more information, please visit http://www.illinois.edu for the University, or http://www.art.uiuc.edu for the School.
The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Candidates from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.
These positions will hold teaching responsibilities in our BFA and MFA programs, while making their own work toward earning tenure. Faculty here teach five courses a year. They are well-supported toward tenure through research funding for production and travel, and are typically provided with studios and ample access to specialized production facilities. Faculty in Painting, Sculpture, and New Media share teaching responsibilities for the same students at the upper levels. We graduate about 40 BFA's a year in Studio Art, and another five or so MFA's each year. Our school also houses programs in Photography, Metals/Crafts, and Design.
We're located about 2.5 hours' drive from Chicago, Indianapolis, and St. Louis, in a place that holds many of the things one hopes for from a university town. Living here is pretty easy for those in education and the arts - housing is relatively cheap, and most any destination is within biking or walking distance. We have a good community of vibrant faculty here, many who moved from the coasts within the last several years and who are hungry to keep conversation and dialogue going.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Needed: Graphic (Indie) Artist for Sweet Local Non-Profit Bicycle Group
Consider Biking, a Columbus-based non-profit, bike-advocacy group is looking for artists who can help design promotional materials advertising several upcoming events. The timeline for the production of these materials is from now (October) until March.
These projects may include:
CD cover art work
Website design
Calendar of events
T-shirt design
These materials will be distributed throughout Columbus and at several events including Earth Day, Bike Art Show, and multiple benefit concerts. Since we are using these materials to raise money for Consider Biking and we have limited budget, unfortunately we cannot promise pay for the designs. However, we will find some way to compensate you for your efforts and we will be forever thankful for your help.
Please contact Jen Duane (cbcompcd@gmail.com) for more information.
These projects may include:
CD cover art work
Website design
Calendar of events
T-shirt design
These materials will be distributed throughout Columbus and at several events including Earth Day, Bike Art Show, and multiple benefit concerts. Since we are using these materials to raise money for Consider Biking and we have limited budget, unfortunately we cannot promise pay for the designs. However, we will find some way to compensate you for your efforts and we will be forever thankful for your help.
Please contact Jen Duane (cbcompcd@gmail.com) for more information.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Residency Opportunity
Atlantic Center for the Arts has a residency program in all disciplines, w/spaces to work, live and collaborate during three week residencies, for more info, call 800-393-6975 for more info, www.atlanticcenterforthearts.org or email ACA @ program@atlanticcenterforthearts.org
Sculpture Opening: University of Minnesota
We are pleased to announce that the Department of Art at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, is conducting a national search for a full-time, tenure-track or tenured nine-month faculty appointment in Art with an emphasis in Sculpture beginning fall semester 2009 (August 31, 2009).
Appointment will be made at the rank of tenure-track assistant professor or tenured associate professor, depending on qualifications and experience, consistent with collegiate and University of Minnesota policy.
We are seeking an outstanding artist who can also contribute meaningfully to the pedagogical goals and needs of our department and our area. A candidate who is challenging, redefining and furthering the language of contemporary sculpture -- with a cross media practice that includes emerging digital technologies. I am attaching a copy of the job description to this email.
Application and job description for tenure-track assistant professor: http://employment.umn.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=76503
Application and job description for tenured associate professor: http://employment.umn.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=76509
The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity employer. For more about the Department of Art and the University of Minnesota, please visit our website: http://art.umn.edu
Appointment will be made at the rank of tenure-track assistant professor or tenured associate professor, depending on qualifications and experience, consistent with collegiate and University of Minnesota policy.
We are seeking an outstanding artist who can also contribute meaningfully to the pedagogical goals and needs of our department and our area. A candidate who is challenging, redefining and furthering the language of contemporary sculpture -- with a cross media practice that includes emerging digital technologies. I am attaching a copy of the job description to this email.
Application and job description for tenure-track assistant professor: http://employment.umn.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=76503
Application and job description for tenured associate professor: http://employment.umn.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=76509
The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity employer. For more about the Department of Art and the University of Minnesota, please visit our website: http://art.umn.edu
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Teaching Positions Available at Miami University
Assistant/Associate Professor | |||||||||||||||||||
Department: | Date: | ||||||||||||||||||
Art | 09/30/2008 | ||||||||||||||||||
Responsibilities: | |||||||||||||||||||
Assistant/Associate Professor to teach and advise in graphic design at the undergraduate level; maintain agenda of creative work/research; participate in committee work, facility supervision and/or administration of program. | |||||||||||||||||||
Qualifications: | |||||||||||||||||||
Require: MFA or equivalent by August 2009 (consideration will be given to MFA’s received by December 2009); expertise in graphics and web software on Macintosh platform; professional experience in field of graphic design. For appointment as Associate Professor, require significant teaching experience and professional/creative activities. Desire: Teaching experience; programming knowledge and experience. | |||||||||||||||||||
Contact Information: | |||||||||||||||||||
Send cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching philosophy, CD of personal/professional work (or web address), student work, if available, and three letters of reference to Peg Faimon, 124 Art Building, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056. Contact phone number is 513/529-1407. Contact email address is faimonma@muohio.edu. Screening of applications begins November 1, 2008 and will continue until the position is filled. https://www.admin.muohio.edu/cfapps/miamijobs/jobsOnLine/positonDetail.cfm?positionNumber=5097
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Teach Art at the Wexner Center
Teaching Opportunity for Artists
Wexner Center for the Arts
Summer 2009
Do you remember having a GREAT art experience as a kid?
Wexner Center for the Arts is looking for OSU graduate students who are interested in planning and teaching interdisciplinary workshops in all areas of the arts to youth aged 5-18.
Each summer, the Wexner Center for the Arts offers workshops for students aged 5-18. Workshops are usually one-week long, three hours per day.
The content of the workshops varies and is driven by the interests and passion of YOU! Past classes include photography projects, podcasting, graphic novels, hand-made video, songwriting, playwriting, bricolage, hand-sewing, radio, DJ-ing, etc. Our staff will be available to support you each step along the way – including the planning, implementation, and evaluation process. Please call/email Jean to discuss your idea NOW! All teaching artists receive an honorarium. The Wexner Center is responsible for all promotion, registration, and all administrative details of managing the workshop. You bring the ideas, passion and talent to make it happen. We provide the opportunity, an assistant, the space, supplies, equipment and students. Please note that we are required by law to conduct a background check of all applicants.
If you are interested in submitting an idea/proposal for a workshop, please send a brief cover letter describing your interests and a copy of your resume or cv to Jean Pitman at jpitman@wexarts.org by the deadline Monday, November 3, 2008. Students in all disciplines are invited to apply.
Collaborations are encouraged.
Please contact Jean Pitman at jpitman@wexarts.org or
614-292-4614 with any questions or ideas you want to discuss.
Wexner Center for the Arts
Summer 2009
Do you remember having a GREAT art experience as a kid?
Wexner Center for the Arts is looking for OSU graduate students who are interested in planning and teaching interdisciplinary workshops in all areas of the arts to youth aged 5-18.
Each summer, the Wexner Center for the Arts offers workshops for students aged 5-18. Workshops are usually one-week long, three hours per day.
The content of the workshops varies and is driven by the interests and passion of YOU! Past classes include photography projects, podcasting, graphic novels, hand-made video, songwriting, playwriting, bricolage, hand-sewing, radio, DJ-ing, etc. Our staff will be available to support you each step along the way – including the planning, implementation, and evaluation process. Please call/email Jean to discuss your idea NOW! All teaching artists receive an honorarium. The Wexner Center is responsible for all promotion, registration, and all administrative details of managing the workshop. You bring the ideas, passion and talent to make it happen. We provide the opportunity, an assistant, the space, supplies, equipment and students. Please note that we are required by law to conduct a background check of all applicants.
If you are interested in submitting an idea/proposal for a workshop, please send a brief cover letter describing your interests and a copy of your resume or cv to Jean Pitman at jpitman@wexarts.org by the deadline Monday, November 3, 2008. Students in all disciplines are invited to apply.
Collaborations are encouraged.
Please contact Jean Pitman at jpitman@wexarts.org or
614-292-4614 with any questions or ideas you want to discuss.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Call for Entry: Art of Politics
“Art of Politics”
Exhibit at BoMA
October 22, 2008 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm
How to Apply
• Read this document in its entirety.
• Submit digital images of up to (3) entries (jpeg or tiff formats).
• One detail shot per entry is required and allowed.
• Provide artist’s name, and title, medium and dimensions of each submission.
• Submit digital images by e-mail by 5:00 pm on Friday October 17, 2008
Artists are asked to donate 50% of the sale of their political art to help elect Barack Obama. Each artist who sells their artwork at the exhibit will be asked to write a personal check to “Campaign for Change” which is Obama’s state level campaign. The checks will be collected by the exhibit coordinator. BRING YOUR CHECKBOOKS!
• Price your work with the understanding that you will be donating 50% to the Obama Campaign.
• Because this is an exhibit to show our support for Obama and the fact that possibly youth will be attending the event, art should be appropriate for this venue.
• The exhibit review panel reserves the right to refuse to display any accepted work for any reason.
• Since the works will not be hung on walls, it will be necessary for each artist to provide their own easel for each art work (if this presents a problem, contact us). Artists submitting art that will not require easels such as sculptures will need to designate the amount of space required for their art and provide pedestals if necessary.
• All entries must be original works created by the artist.
• The exhibit review panel will bar all works altered from the submitted digital images.
• Reasonable care will be exercised by the “Art of Politics” Exhibit for Obama coordinators and its agents, but the exhibit coordinators or its agents are not liable for loss or damage of work either in its care or during transport. Insurance is the responsibility of the individual artists.
• Submission of an entry through emailing a jpeg or tiff of the art shall constitute agreement on the part of the artist to all conditions set forth in this prospectus.
Delivery and Pick Up of Art
All artwork approved by the exhibit review panel for the “Art of Politics” Exhibit for Obama must be delivered on October 22, 2008 (the day of the exhibit) by 12:00 noon to BoMA at 583 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. Upon delivering artwork each artist will be required to sign a form restating the above requirements. Artists must pick up their art after the exhibit has ended on the night of the exhibit. If someone else will be dropping off or picking up your art, please notify the exhibit coordinator in advance.
Questions: email: artforObama@earthlink.net or call Jim Siemer (Exhibit Coordinator) at 614-313-6200
Exhibit at BoMA
October 22, 2008 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm
How to Apply
• Read this document in its entirety.
• Submit digital images of up to (3) entries (jpeg or tiff formats).
• One detail shot per entry is required and allowed.
• Provide artist’s name, and title, medium and dimensions of each submission.
• Submit digital images by e-mail by 5:00 pm on Friday October 17, 2008
Artists are asked to donate 50% of the sale of their political art to help elect Barack Obama. Each artist who sells their artwork at the exhibit will be asked to write a personal check to “Campaign for Change” which is Obama’s state level campaign. The checks will be collected by the exhibit coordinator. BRING YOUR CHECKBOOKS!
• Price your work with the understanding that you will be donating 50% to the Obama Campaign.
• Because this is an exhibit to show our support for Obama and the fact that possibly youth will be attending the event, art should be appropriate for this venue.
• The exhibit review panel reserves the right to refuse to display any accepted work for any reason.
• Since the works will not be hung on walls, it will be necessary for each artist to provide their own easel for each art work (if this presents a problem, contact us). Artists submitting art that will not require easels such as sculptures will need to designate the amount of space required for their art and provide pedestals if necessary.
• All entries must be original works created by the artist.
• The exhibit review panel will bar all works altered from the submitted digital images.
• Reasonable care will be exercised by the “Art of Politics” Exhibit for Obama coordinators and its agents, but the exhibit coordinators or its agents are not liable for loss or damage of work either in its care or during transport. Insurance is the responsibility of the individual artists.
• Submission of an entry through emailing a jpeg or tiff of the art shall constitute agreement on the part of the artist to all conditions set forth in this prospectus.
Delivery and Pick Up of Art
All artwork approved by the exhibit review panel for the “Art of Politics” Exhibit for Obama must be delivered on October 22, 2008 (the day of the exhibit) by 12:00 noon to BoMA at 583 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. Upon delivering artwork each artist will be required to sign a form restating the above requirements. Artists must pick up their art after the exhibit has ended on the night of the exhibit. If someone else will be dropping off or picking up your art, please notify the exhibit coordinator in advance.
Questions: email: artforObama@earthlink.net or call Jim Siemer (Exhibit Coordinator) at 614-313-6200
Free Dinner and Focus Group for Artist Live/Work Spaces
Free Dinner and Focus Group for artist live/work spaces
October 15th, 5:30 - 7:00 at Gladden Community House,
183 Hawkes Ave.
please RSVP to storsell@enterprisecommunity.org
The Franklinton Arts District is conducting a focus group to gather information about the needs and desires for artist live/work spaces.
There is great redevelopment potential for East Franklinton, and we hope to develop it in a way that benefits artists of low to moderate incomes by working with the local Community Development Corporation.
At FAD we'd like to see a new arts community spring up that offers not only the amenities that artists are looking for but also the opportunity for them to actually own their property. The positive impacts on Franklinton and the entire Columbus arts community could be immense. It is a certainly a lofty goal but we feel as if we are well positioned now to help make it happen. Of course the banks and the city will need to be convinced that the idea is sound and that the opportunity is real. If we build it, will they come? This is what we need to learn, and why we need your participation.
Please come out and have your ideas heard. A high turnout is necessary to send the message that this can work. It should be fun, and we are providing dinner for showing up!
October 15th, 5:30 - 7:00 at Gladden Community House,
183 Hawkes Ave.
please RSVP to storsell@enterprisecommunity.org
The Franklinton Arts District is conducting a focus group to gather information about the needs and desires for artist live/work spaces.
There is great redevelopment potential for East Franklinton, and we hope to develop it in a way that benefits artists of low to moderate incomes by working with the local Community Development Corporation.
At FAD we'd like to see a new arts community spring up that offers not only the amenities that artists are looking for but also the opportunity for them to actually own their property. The positive impacts on Franklinton and the entire Columbus arts community could be immense. It is a certainly a lofty goal but we feel as if we are well positioned now to help make it happen. Of course the banks and the city will need to be convinced that the idea is sound and that the opportunity is real. If we build it, will they come? This is what we need to learn, and why we need your participation.
Please come out and have your ideas heard. A high turnout is necessary to send the message that this can work. It should be fun, and we are providing dinner for showing up!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Poster Design for Fundraising Event
GRADUATE STUDENTS AND UPPERCLASSMEN: The Opera Department at the School of Music is looking for a graduate student or upperclassman who is willing to sketch a design for an upcoming Opera Department Fundraising event at the OSU Urban Art Space, held on Friday, November 21st. It is a cabaret show, and we are looking for a more modern sketch (perhaps high fashion, but we are open to ideas) of a singer, piano, bistro table, etc. to serve as the focal point of the poster.
The posters will be distributed at the Grandview Art Hop, Short North Gallery Hop, as well as around the Columbus area, and will serve as a great way to advertise your work. Since we are using this event as a fundraiser and have a very limited budget, unfortunately we cannot offer pay for the design. You will receive credit for your work on the advertising materials (posters, postcards, etc.). We are looking for a finished, final draft by Monday, October 13th. Please contact Erica Post, Graduate Assistant to the Opera Director at post.86@osu.edu if you are interested. Thank you.
Erica Post, soprano
Opera Graduate Assistant
The posters will be distributed at the Grandview Art Hop, Short North Gallery Hop, as well as around the Columbus area, and will serve as a great way to advertise your work. Since we are using this event as a fundraiser and have a very limited budget, unfortunately we cannot offer pay for the design. You will receive credit for your work on the advertising materials (posters, postcards, etc.). We are looking for a finished, final draft by Monday, October 13th. Please contact Erica Post, Graduate Assistant to the Opera Director at post.86@osu.edu if you are interested. Thank you.
Erica Post, soprano
Opera Graduate Assistant
Monday, October 6, 2008
Lawrence University Job Postings
Lawrence University needs an instructor to teach ART 110: Introduction to Drawing and ART 100: Introduction to Studio Art, our foundations courses, WINTER and SPRING terms 2009 (see below). Do you know of any qualified candidates in the region, perhaps a recent MFA, who might be interested in teaching these courses? Please feel free to forward this email to them or have them contact our studio art coordinator Rob Neilson .
To apply, please snail mail a letter of application highlighting experience related to teaching college-level foundations courses, CV, list of 3 references, 20 JPEGs of personal work on a CD, artist statement and SASE to:
Rob Neilson, Studio Art Coordinator
Department of Art and Art History
Lawrence University
P.O. Box 599
Appleton, WI 54912-0599
Application package must be received by October 24, 2008. For more information on Lawrence University see:
ART 110: Introduction to Drawing
An introduction to drawing, emphasizing the development of the observational and critical thinking skills important to art-making. Class work is based on exercises that strengthen visual research capabilities, drawing abilities, and mark-making techniques with a variety of tools. Assigned projects address fundamental technical and conceptual problems suggested by historical and contemporary artistic practice. Lectures, readings, discussions, guest speakers, field trips, and critiques explore elements of concept and design pertinent to drawing as a medium. Limit: 20 students. 6 units. WINTER TERM 2009: Tues & Thur 1-4:30 (January 6-March 20, 2009)
ART 100: Introduction to Studio Art
An introduction to studio art and the fundamental principles of design. Projects, lectures, readings, class discussions, and critiques examine elements of two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and time-based design. Historic and contemporary approaches are considered as well as the evolution of technology and the continuum of visual expression. Emphasis is placed on developing the practical and critical thinking skills required in art-making. Limit: 20 students. 6 units. SPRING TERM 2009: Tues & Thur 1-4:30 (March 31-June 11, 2009)
To apply, please snail mail a letter of application highlighting experience related to teaching college-level foundations courses, CV, list of 3 references, 20 JPEGs of personal work on a CD, artist statement and SASE to:
Rob Neilson, Studio Art Coordinator
Department of Art and Art History
Lawrence University
P.O. Box 599
Appleton, WI 54912-0599
Application package must be received by October 24, 2008. For more information on Lawrence University see:
ART 110: Introduction to Drawing
An introduction to drawing, emphasizing the development of the observational and critical thinking skills important to art-making. Class work is based on exercises that strengthen visual research capabilities, drawing abilities, and mark-making techniques with a variety of tools. Assigned projects address fundamental technical and conceptual problems suggested by historical and contemporary artistic practice. Lectures, readings, discussions, guest speakers, field trips, and critiques explore elements of concept and design pertinent to drawing as a medium. Limit: 20 students. 6 units. WINTER TERM 2009: Tues & Thur 1-4:30 (January 6-March 20, 2009)
ART 100: Introduction to Studio Art
An introduction to studio art and the fundamental principles of design. Projects, lectures, readings, class discussions, and critiques examine elements of two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and time-based design. Historic and contemporary approaches are considered as well as the evolution of technology and the continuum of visual expression. Emphasis is placed on developing the practical and critical thinking skills required in art-making. Limit: 20 students. 6 units. SPRING TERM 2009: Tues & Thur 1-4:30 (March 31-June 11, 2009)
Call for Art
Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC is once again opening our doors (and walls!) to artists in the community as part of our Juris Collection. MDK is a creditors' rights law firm located in Grandview, Ohio, serving the needs of mortgage servicing companies and investors in Ohio and Kentucky. We are seeking visual artists interested in displaying their work in a forward-thinking, creative office environment
To be considered for the autumn rotation, send an email to artwork@mdk-llc.com with the following:
-Your first and last name
-no more than 5 images showcasing samples of your work
-Images should be 1024px x 768px (768px x 1024px for portrait orientation) in size, JPEG format
-Do not zip your files
-Label your images as follows: name_title.jpeg (it's okay if the work is untitled, just use "Untitled1" etc)
The deadline for submissions is 10-30-08, we will notify you of your inclusion in the final selection process on 11-10-08.
Timeline of the MDK: Juris Collection, Autumn-
10-30-08- Submission deadline
11-10-08- Notification of formal inclusion
11-25-08 and 10-26-08- Hanging of work
Thank you for your interest,
Erin Krysanick
Paralegal II - Bankruptcy Dept.
Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC
PO Box 165028
Columbus, OH 43216-5028
Phone & Fax: 614.917.1825
Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC is once again opening our doors (and walls!) to artists in the community as part of our Juris Collection. MDK is a creditors' rights law firm located in Grandview, Ohio, serving the needs of mortgage servicing companies and investors in Ohio and Kentucky. We are seeking visual artists interested in displaying their work in a forward-thinking, creative office environment
To be considered for the autumn rotation, send an email to artwork@mdk-llc.com with the following:
-Your first and last name
-no more than 5 images showcasing samples of your work
-Images should be 1024px x 768px (768px x 1024px for portrait orientation) in size, JPEG format
-Do not zip your files
-Label your images as follows: name_title.jpeg (it's okay if the work is untitled, just use "Untitled1" etc)
The deadline for submissions is 10-30-08, we will notify you of your inclusion in the final selection process on 11-10-08.
Timeline of the MDK: Juris Collection, Autumn-
10-30-08- Submission deadline
11-10-08- Notification of formal inclusion
11-25-08 and 10-26-08- Hanging of work
Thank you for your interest,
Erin Krysanick
Paralegal II - Bankruptcy Dept.
Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC
PO Box 165028
Columbus, OH 43216-5028
Phone & Fax: 614.917.1825
Friday, October 3, 2008
Call to Submit Political Art for Exhibition
“Art of Politics”
Exhibit at BoMA
October 22, 2008
5:00 pm until 10:00 pm
583 E. Broad St.
A Call for Political Art
Artists who have felt compelled to create art inspired by Obama’s message of hope and change and artists who see McCain as a continuation of the disastrous eight years of Bush’s Presidency are called to exhibit their political art.
Artists are asked to donate 50% of the sale of their political art to help elect Obama
The art exhibited will reflect the personal beliefs of each individual artist and is not specific to the Obama Campaign
For those artists who want to exhibit their political art contact: artforobama@earthlink.net
Let us use the Power of Art to Elect OBAMA as our next President
Call for Student Art
Culver Art and Frame, a Columbus, Ohio based manufacturer of custom frames is looking to purchase student art that can be reproduced and used in our corporate programs.
We would also like to offer our custom framing services to all Ohio State students at a special discounted student rate.
Please contact me for further information.
Susan Auzenbergs
Chilcote Marketing Services
216-781-6000 x2429
We would also like to offer our custom framing services to all Ohio State students at a special discounted student rate.
Please contact me for further information.
Susan Auzenbergs
Chilcote Marketing Services
216-781-6000 x2429
Monday, September 29, 2008
Display Your Work
Aladdin's Eatery in Bexley is looking for local artists who want to showcase their work for one month.
There is no charge for display.
Great Opportunity to obtain some Exposure
For Details, call Billy James
(330) 398-0111
There is no charge for display.
Great Opportunity to obtain some Exposure
For Details, call Billy James
(330) 398-0111
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Job Opportunity: Drawing/Art Director Position
I am a developer of Educational Toys and am looking for artists to do basic drawings. I will put a copyright on their drawings and my company, Strategic Marketing, Inc. will own them. I will work with the artists on what I want drawn and a pay schedule. Payment can be by the hour or per piece, which ever is most desirable for the artist. They can work from home. I would like to see a drawing portfolio from them. I would like to find someone who could evolve into an Art Director for my company Strategic Marketing, Inc. which is a privately held family business.
My contact information is as follows:
Vallery S. Hoy
Strategic Marketing, Inc
6222 Maryhurst Drive
Dublin, OH 43017
614-284-2656 phone
My contact information is as follows:
Vallery S. Hoy
Strategic Marketing, Inc
6222 Maryhurst Drive
Dublin, OH 43017
614-284-2656 phone
Now Hiring Student Assistants at the OSU Urban Arts Space
The OSU Urban Arts Space currently has several positions opening for the 2008-2009 academic year. These positions are all paid hourly (not work study) and are hired under the title Student Assistant. All Students Assistants are responsible for:
- Gallery reception and monitoring
- Serving as docents for the exhibitions
- Performing clerical duties in database management, mailings, answering phones and relaying messages, providing basic information
1) Program Student Assistant (16 – 25 hrs/week)
- Helps develop and coordinate programs
- Serves as liaison to special guests
2) Communications Student Assistant (16 – 25 hrs/week)
- Writes press releases
- Manages and updates calendar listings
- Creates content and maintains social media accounts
3) Events Student Assistant(s) (5 – 20 hrs/week)
- Helps facilitate rental use of the space
- Serves as security during special events
Because Student Assistants are responsible for monitoring the gallery, interested applicants need to be available to work during regular gallery hours (Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. with extended hours on Thursdays until 8 p.m.) in addition to some evenings and weekends.
Those interested in applying may drop off a cover letter and resume by 4:30 p.m. on October 1, 2008 to:
Kelly Stevelt Kaser, Manager
OSU Urban Arts Space
152 Hopkins Hall
128 N Oval Mall
Columbus, OH 43210
- Gallery reception and monitoring
- Serving as docents for the exhibitions
- Performing clerical duties in database management, mailings, answering phones and relaying messages, providing basic information
1) Program Student Assistant (16 – 25 hrs/week)
- Helps develop and coordinate programs
- Serves as liaison to special guests
2) Communications Student Assistant (16 – 25 hrs/week)
- Writes press releases
- Manages and updates calendar listings
- Creates content and maintains social media accounts
3) Events Student Assistant(s) (5 – 20 hrs/week)
- Helps facilitate rental use of the space
- Serves as security during special events
Because Student Assistants are responsible for monitoring the gallery, interested applicants need to be available to work during regular gallery hours (Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. with extended hours on Thursdays until 8 p.m.) in addition to some evenings and weekends.
Those interested in applying may drop off a cover letter and resume by 4:30 p.m. on October 1, 2008 to:
Kelly Stevelt Kaser, Manager
OSU Urban Arts Space
152 Hopkins Hall
128 N Oval Mall
Columbus, OH 43210
Friday, September 5, 2008
Graphic Designer Position
Wanted: Graphic designer for our sign company to create art work for all types of signs from electric to post and panel signs to billboards. Kessler Sign Company is located in Zanesville, Ohio with a branch in Dayton, Ohio also. Must have a 4-year degree. Portfolio must be available upon request.
Mail resumes to:
P.O. BOX 785
Mail resumes to:
P.O. BOX 785
Commissioned Art Project
Good Afternoon,
As the project manager on a large scope new construction project I have decided to offer an opportunity for several artist at the higher levels of the OSU Art Program.
The scope will inlcude:
1.) (5) original canvas pieces to be consistent with the overall look and design of a new medical facility.
2.) Canvas will measure 10 feet high x 5 feet wide
3.) A portfolio will be requested intitially.
4.) Once a group has been selected, members must collaborate to sketch a design for final approval.
Selected members will receive professional level salaries and will be fully compensated at 50 % and final completion.
Please contact me at your very earliest convienences.
Best regards,
William K. Welch
Operations Manager
Artline Limited
1921 S. West Avenue
Waukesha, WI 53189
262.547.6966, Extension 18
Be a Wexner Center Docent
The works on view at the Wexner Center are expressions of the ideas and perspectives of artists from around the globe. The Wexner Center is seeking students to serve as docents to guide visitors in looking at and talking about our exhibitions and architecture. In order to serve all audiences, the Wexner is looking for individuals who not only love the arts, but can enrich its program with a diverse perspective. An academic arts background is not necessary to apply. Check out our website or blog or contact the Center at 614-292-6982 to learn more. To apply, submit a resume and letter of intent to edweb@wexarts.org. Applications are due Monday (8/25).
Friday, June 6, 2008
Lancaster Festival Fellowship
Once again the Lancaster Festival is offering a fellowship to a student in the fine arts. We're pleased that many former recipients are pursuing successful careers in the arts. We hope you will make application information available to your students.
The Lancaster Festival is an annual celebration of music and art held each July in Lancaster, Ohio. The dates for the 24th season are July 17-26, 2008. More information can be found at the Festival website, www.lanfest.org. We have extended the deadline for applications to June 15, 2008.
Program info
Application form
This is an excellent opportunity for students to showcase their work during the summer. Please share this information with the appropriate faculty and students to participate for this summer. Thank you for your assistance.
Lou Ross
Lancaster Festival
PO Box 1452
Lancaster, OH 43130
The Lancaster Festival is an annual celebration of music and art held each July in Lancaster, Ohio. The dates for the 24th season are July 17-26, 2008. More information can be found at the Festival website, www.lanfest.org. We have extended the deadline for applications to June 15, 2008.
Program info
Application form
This is an excellent opportunity for students to showcase their work during the summer. Please share this information with the appropriate faculty and students to participate for this summer. Thank you for your assistance.
Lou Ross
Lancaster Festival
PO Box 1452
Lancaster, OH 43130
Second Life Art Exhibitions?
Hello, I am Rob Griffiths, an eLearning Consultant for TELR (Technology Enhanced Learning and Research) and coordinator of the Second Life project for Ohio State. Part of our vision for our Second Life presence is to foster community, and art shows are a wonderful way to build community and culture. Who may be a good person to talk to about working together to bring an OSU art show onto OSU's Second Life presence? Within Second Life, you can stream audio and/or video (so anything you may place on the web could also be played/heard/seen in-world), and you can also place images very easily in a gallery in-world. Set-up and space may be very simple or very complex...this even may be a way to extend your assumptions about exhibition space because you were always limited by physical space and properties.
Rob Griffiths
Robert P. Griffiths, Ph.D.
TELR eLearning Consultant
Rob Griffiths
Robert P. Griffiths, Ph.D.
TELR eLearning Consultant
Friday, May 23, 2008
Cartoon Research Library - Digital Image Scanning Student Assistant
Job Responsibilities
• Digital imaging using the Better Light scanning back, a sophisticated combination of a
large format camera and digital scanning device, and flatbed scanner
• Scans images from the Cartoon Research Library's collections for patron requests
• Uploads images and metadata to the Cartoon Research Library Image Database
• Organizes and maintains the archival digital image library
• Adheres to archival standards in handling artwork
• Experience in Photoshop CS
• Experience with image scanning and software preferred
• Reliable in attending work as scheduled
• Self-motivated and able to work independently
• Attention to detail
• Comfortable with repetitive tasks
Work Hours
• 15-20 hours per week
• Flexible between 9:00 am-5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, no weekends or evenings
Pay range
• $ 8.50 per hour
• Library Associate II
Please submit resume to:
Susan Liberator
Cartoon Research Library
27 West 17th Ave. Mall
Columbus, OH 43210-1393
Telephone: (614) 292-0538
Email: liberator.3@osu.edu
• Digital imaging using the Better Light scanning back, a sophisticated combination of a
large format camera and digital scanning device, and flatbed scanner
• Scans images from the Cartoon Research Library's collections for patron requests
• Uploads images and metadata to the Cartoon Research Library Image Database
• Organizes and maintains the archival digital image library
• Adheres to archival standards in handling artwork
• Experience in Photoshop CS
• Experience with image scanning and software preferred
• Reliable in attending work as scheduled
• Self-motivated and able to work independently
• Attention to detail
• Comfortable with repetitive tasks
Work Hours
• 15-20 hours per week
• Flexible between 9:00 am-5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, no weekends or evenings
Pay range
• $ 8.50 per hour
• Library Associate II
Please submit resume to:
Susan Liberator
Cartoon Research Library
27 West 17th Ave. Mall
Columbus, OH 43210-1393
Telephone: (614) 292-0538
Email: liberator.3@osu.edu
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Wedding Photographer Needed
Photographer Needed
OSU grad and fiancée looking to hire a student (graduate status preferred) within the Department of Art to photograph our wedding this fall.
Ideal candidate must be reliable, punctual, and have a professional portfolio. Previous wedding experience is not necessary.
Date of event: Sunday, October 12, 2008
Location: Taylor Mansion on East Broad St. in Columbus
Time: 4pm – 10pm
To apply, please email a few of your best photographs to Jack Shear at jshear82@yahoo.com along with your contact information and a short bio.
We need to hire someone this month, so please respond quickly. Thanks!
OSU grad and fiancée looking to hire a student (graduate status preferred) within the Department of Art to photograph our wedding this fall.
Ideal candidate must be reliable, punctual, and have a professional portfolio. Previous wedding experience is not necessary.
Date of event: Sunday, October 12, 2008
Location: Taylor Mansion on East Broad St. in Columbus
Time: 4pm – 10pm
To apply, please email a few of your best photographs to Jack Shear at jshear82@yahoo.com along with your contact information and a short bio.
We need to hire someone this month, so please respond quickly. Thanks!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Student Artist or Painters wanted
Do you have any contacts for student artists/painters? I would like to have a mural painted on one of our storefront barricades in The "Alley" featuring the new Landmark's Gateway Theater Summer Midnight Movie Series. The line-up is as follows:
6/6 & 6/7 - JURASSIC PARK
6/13 & 6/14 - EVIL DEAD
6/20 & 6/21 - THE WARRIORS
6/27 & 6/28 - TRON
7/4 & 7/5 - JAWS
7/11 & 7/12 - DISCO DOLLS IN HOT PINK SKIN in 3-D
7/18 & 7/19 - PINK FLOYD - THE WALL
Other than the Landmark logo and the info above, the artist can do almost whatever he/she would like. Please feel free to pass along this info for anyone you think may be interested. Thanks and everything. Have a great day
Jerry L. Johnson | Marketing Director
CB Richard Ellis | Asset Services
1590 N. High Street, Suite 420 | Columbus, OH 43201
T 614 247 5940 | F 614 247 5935 | C 614 330-7530
jerry.johnson@cbre.com | www.cbre.com
6/6 & 6/7 - JURASSIC PARK
6/13 & 6/14 - EVIL DEAD
6/20 & 6/21 - THE WARRIORS
6/27 & 6/28 - TRON
7/4 & 7/5 - JAWS
7/11 & 7/12 - DISCO DOLLS IN HOT PINK SKIN in 3-D
7/18 & 7/19 - PINK FLOYD - THE WALL
Other than the Landmark logo and the info above, the artist can do almost whatever he/she would like. Please feel free to pass along this info for anyone you think may be interested. Thanks and everything. Have a great day
Jerry L. Johnson | Marketing Director
CB Richard Ellis | Asset Services
1590 N. High Street, Suite 420 | Columbus, OH 43201
T 614 247 5940 | F 614 247 5935 | C 614 330-7530
Marcon Costume Contest
Enjoy an amazing variety of science fiction and fantasy costumes at
the 43rd annual Multiple Alternative Realities Convention (MARCON)
that will be staged at 7:45 p.m. on Saturday, May 24 in the Franklin
Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency Hotel at 350 North High Street in
downtown Columbus near the Convention Center. The contestents build
the imaginative and elaborate outfits for the Masquerade "Masq"
competition each year for pride and prizes. Separate "Best in Show"
awards are made separately for technical construction and also
presentation on stage.
Admission is $35 for Adults on Saturday and $25 for Friday or Sunday,
or $50 for the entire weekend. Children under 13 pay $25 Saturday and
$15 for Friday or Sunday, or $30 for the weekend. The Hyatt has a
Special Flat Rate of $99 by mentioning the MARCON. Parking is
available at the hotel and nearby streets.
the 43rd annual Multiple Alternative Realities Convention (MARCON)
that will be staged at 7:45 p.m. on Saturday, May 24 in the Franklin
Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency Hotel at 350 North High Street in
downtown Columbus near the Convention Center. The contestents build
the imaginative and elaborate outfits for the Masquerade "Masq"
competition each year for pride and prizes. Separate "Best in Show"
awards are made separately for technical construction and also
presentation on stage.
Admission is $35 for Adults on Saturday and $25 for Friday or Sunday,
or $50 for the entire weekend. Children under 13 pay $25 Saturday and
$15 for Friday or Sunday, or $30 for the weekend. The Hyatt has a
Special Flat Rate of $99 by mentioning the MARCON. Parking is
available at the hotel and nearby streets.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
IMR Graphic Design internship

Layla M. Manganaro, MBA
Program Manager
Institute for Materials Research
The Ohio State University
E337 Scott Laboratory
201 West 19th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614-247-4685 | Email: manganaro.4@osu.edu | Fax: 614-247-2581 | http://imr.osu.edu
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