We are looking for a volunteer to paint on our baptistery's walls. We would like a realistic painting of a waterfall, as if the waters were falling from the heavens, with a dove descending. We have a picture attached of a waterfall that seems to fit the description, but it is too dark and there is no dove in this picture.
The baptistery has 3 walls: 5' w x 12' h; 7' w x 12' h; 5' w x 3'h
The artist is welcomed to submit his/her ideas based on our description, the picture we're providing is only to help aid the description of what we would like. The artist is also welcomed to read Matthew 3:13-17 and capture the scene of that scripture to be included in the drawing, although we do not want any pictures of people or any pictures representing what anyone thinks Jesus looks like.
We do not have the available funds to pay an artist's salary, but are willing to provide an offering along with the promise that the artist's name and information (should the artist choose) will be announced on our website for as long as we choose to keep the painting as a part of our baptistery. We would also provide a receipt for the proposed value of the art work to be included in the artist's tax returns as a tax-deductible charitable donation.
We can be reached at 614-337-2855, 614-580-0799, or 614-562-271.
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