Description: For the first time, in summer 2010, Emmanuel College in Boston will be offering a summer artists residency program for four artists. We will seek one artist from each of the following categories: ceramics; printmaking; photography; and non-specified medium but related in some way to issues of social justice. The residency will provide four artists with individual studio space in the Art Department for a two month period during the months of June and July. (arrival between 6/14 Monday-6/18Friday, departure between 8/16Monday-8/20 Friday )The program will provide artists with access to Art Department studios and living quarters in the Emmanuel dorms. Each artist will also receive a $2,000 stipend. In return for their residency, each artist will be required to complete the following: during their residency, devote two hours of their time to a presentation on their work to members of the Emmanuel community; give an artist’s talk some time during the 2010-11 academic year to the general public on the work completed at Emmanuel and its relationship to their larger body of work; and donate one work of art completed while at Emmanuel to the College.
Selection of Artists: Artists should submit a *portfolio, c.v. and statement of intent to the Art Department by March 12, 2010. Artists will be notified of their selection by April 2, 2010.
Artists selected for the social justice category must demonstrate a serious commitment to social justice either through the subjects of their art (e.g. addressing issues such as poverty, inequality, homelessness) or through their art making strategies (e.g. community-based projects).
*Portfolio requirement : 15-20 jpeg images of current work on a CD (Each image should be at least 300dpi, 6”x4.5”). Emmanuel College reserves the right to use images of works by selected artists for advertising purposes.
Studio information:
8 work benches
2 electric wheels
slab roller
plaster mixing area
2 small round and 1 large Skutt oval electric kilns (capacity up to cone 10)
communal hand tools
small wood shop:
table saw
chop saw
band saw
drill press
hand held power tools include
biscuit joiner
circular saw
well ventilated work area with 8 benches
American French Tool Press 24” x 48”
Griffin Litho Press
basic silkscreen equipment
Nuarc exposure unit (for screens up to 20” x 24”)
ferric chloride etching bath (holds plates up to 20” x 25”)
communal shop tools
hot plate (12 x 18)
plate shear
New Darkroom facility.
35mm to 4x5" negative film format enlargers.
4x5" color head enlarger (No color processing on site).
Currently accommodates up to 16x20" prints.
UV Exposing box for Alternative Processes up to 20x24" maximum.
iMacs, OSX 10.6
Epson V750 Scanner, with dry and wet mount scan negative carriers.
Epson SP 3800 (K3 ink: max 17x22" prints).
Area coordinator
ceramics – Megumi Naitoh naitoh@emmanuel.edu
printmaking – Brian Littlefield littleb@emmanuel.edu
photography – Stephan Jacobs jacobsst@emmanuel.edu
Send application materials to:
Megumi Naitoh
Associate Professor of Art
Chair, Art Department
Emmanuel College
400 The Fenway
Boston, MA 02144
General Questions about the residency may also be directed to Megumi Naitoh (phone: 617-264-7684; or email: naitoh@emmanuel.edu. Questions regarding to printmaking and photography, please contact the area coordinator.
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